Tuesday 18 February 2014

Fences, Dogs and Dad

It was Callum's birthday. We were all sitting around the table having dinner.

"Dad, we had an idea," Callum said. "You know how you've always wanted a garden that has fences all the way around it? We had a look at materials today and we are willing to build you some fences."

Dad was happy about the fences but then he became suspicious. He wondered why we wanted to build a fence. "Do you have a plan? Is it a four legged plan?"

Dad guessed we were hoping we could get a dog once we had fences all around the garden.

Everyone started talking at once.

"A dog?"

"We would look after it."

"Please Dad!"

"I have always wanted a  dog!"

"We looked at the ones in the animal shelter and they don't cost that much."

"What?" Dad cried. "Are you seriously hoping for a dog?"

"Please Dad, it's my birthday," Callum begged.

We all started talking again, begging Dad to let us have one.

"What kind of dog?" Dad asked.

"What kind of dog would you like?" we said.

"Why me?" Dad looked at Mum.

"What size?" Dad asked.

"Middle sized, something that can keep up with Mum while she runs," Callum answered.

"What size is middle sized?" Dad wondered.

"Collie sized," Callum told him.

"I don't want a collie," Dad protested.

"I was just giving you an idea of a size. We don't want a collie," Callum said.

"Get the fence up first," Dad told us. 

While we washed the dishes we prayed Dad would say yes. 

"We had a dog years ago," Charlotte told Casey, Callum's girlfriend. "Her name was Rocket and she was a bit crazy." 

Callum started hunting on the Internet for a picture of a dog that Dad might like. Very soon Dad sat down next to him to have a look too. He had agreed to let us have a dog!

We were so excited. We spent all evening trying to find a dog we liked.

"We can't decide on a dog until we have the fences up," Mum told us.

So that's what we are doing: building fences. I can't wait to see what kind of dog we get. We have decided it must be a trained adult, but that's about it. I have always wanted a dog, especially one you can walk and run.

Do you have a dog?


  1. So, my son, Michael, and I were wondering if you guys ever got a dog? Did you get the fence finished?

    1. Yes we did finish the fences and get a dog! She's named Nora. She's six months old and a bitser. She is big and has a white stripe down her chest.
      I have moved over to my blog on my own account. I have a video on there with Nora in it. Here is a link to it: http://sophiesseabed.blogspot.com.au/2014/05/nora-stars-on-my-show-and-tell.html
